Remember Him

Remember Him

Start By Watching This Video

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds









Watch how simple it is to Love. Share & Invite

Now Watch This Video

And Then This Video

As we Invite others to "Come and See", and to "Come and Help", we are inviting others to come unto Christ and Remember Him.

Challenge Objectives

To our dear friends,

At the outset of this new year, we joyfully invite all members and friends to recenter their lives on Jesus Christ. Our hope is that we will carry the joy of Christmas forward, leading to our celebration of His infinite Atonement and glorious Resurrection at Easter.

To sharpen our focus on the Savior, the Area Presidency has developed an initiative – Remember Him – that commences in January 2025. The initiative invites us to center our thoughts and actions on the Savior’s life and teachings and to invite our friends and family members to join us in this effort to Remember Him, particularly in our Sunday worship services.

-North America Southwest Area Presidency

We hope that each of you will find great Joy in this Love. Share. Invite Challenge.  There are 3 main objectives that this challenge is focused around to help us Remember Him:

  • Love: To increase your capacity to Love.  To Love in a way that helps others feel the Love of God in their lives and come unto Christ and Remember Him.
  • Share: To increase your capacity to Share. To Share your talents, your faith, your goodness and your light with others so they can come unto Christ and Remember Him.
  • Invite: To increase your capacity to Invite. Learning how to Invite, who to invite and what to invite others to in order to invite others to come unto Christ and Remember Him.  

Here is how it works!

We invite you to challenge yourself, to push yourself and stretch yourself a little more in the great mission to Remember Him!  

And to focus on the following themes helping us to Rember Him through:


Each month, we will break down simple weekly activities that you can participate in or you can come up with your own activities, that will help you grow in greater capacity to Love. Share and Invite.  We will also have different Authors of these weeks inviting our Ward Auxiliaries and Ward Families to help create the weekly Overviews, Intro Videos and Weekly Activities for that particular week. This will also help us as a Ward come together and feel unity as we strive to Remember Him!  

Authors will be: 

Elders Quorum, Relief Society, Youth, Sunday School, Ward Mission, Bishopric, Family History, Primary and different Ward Families.  Enjoy as each of these groups and families come up with their own unique ways for helping us all as a ward family increase our capacity to Love. Share and Invite. 

Below you will find access to each week starting with week 1.  Simply click on the week, watch the introduction video and follow the instructions for that week as outlined.  Simple as that!

In addition the Ward is planning and coordinating a Community Service Projects that can be used as an activity and event to Invite our friends and neighbors to, while providing service in our local community.  The Days leading up to this event will help each of us increase our capacity to Love, Share, and Invite so that the Lord can help guide us to others who need to feel the Love of God in their lives and come unto Christ.  

This Community Service Projects will be a great way for others to feel the Love of God through service and share these special opportunities together as a ward, a community and with our neighbors!  

This community service project will be on Saturday April 12th from 4:00p - 6:00p where we will be doing service helping make plastic bag bedding for the homeless.  You can learn more here:  Building Bedding For The Homeless.  

We also provide an updated Calendar of Events below to provide you with ideas for upcoming opportunities for invitations.

Love Share Invite Through Service❤️

This community service project will be on Saturday April 12th from 4:00pm - 6:00p where we will be doing service helping make plastic bag bedding for the homeless. You can learn more here: Building Bedding For The Homeless.  

Share this link with your neighbors:

Love. Share. Invite Journal

We encourage you to keep a specific journal for just this Love. Share. Invite Challenge.  

As we share our thoughts, our feelings, and our impressions, we know that the Lord will bless our lives helping increase our capacity to Love and feel Loved.  He will increase our capacity to know how, when and what to Share and He will increase our capacity to help others come unto Christ through Invitations we can make, leading us to those that are ready and searching for peace, purpose and truth in their lives.


Click On The Image To View That Week

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Week 1

Feb 17th - 23rd

Week 2

Feb 24th - Mar 2nd

Week 3

Mar 3rd - Mar 9th

Week 4

Mar 10th - Mar 16th


Please let us know if you have any activities or events that we can add to the list or if you have any questions about an upcoming event / activity.

Come Back Shortly
“Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold, I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which you have seen me do. Behold, ye see that I have prayed unto the Father, and ye all have witnessed. And ye see that I have commanded that none of you should go away, but rather have commanded that ye should come unto me, that ye might feel and see; even so shall ye do unto the world.” — 3 Nephi 18:24-25
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